Kyrgyzstan - Russia Trains | 🚅 Buy Kyrgyzstan - Russia Train Tickets
Trains between Kyrgyzstan and Russia
First and last trains


Первое - 12:34
Последнее - 12:34
Trains overview


Поездов в день - 1
Цена от - 8383
Route overview


Kyrgyzstan расписание

Время в пути Время прибытие Поезд Цена от
Bishkek — Moscow
Ежедневно: 09:34
73h 41m11:15

Trains between Kyrgyzstan and Russia

The options for traveling between Kyrgyzstan and Russia are multiple, but one of the most comfortable and cheap options is the train. Kyrgyzstan - Russia train links the capitals of these countries as well as large cities, including Yekaterinburg, every day, so, you can easily get the Moscow fast and calmly having spent time in the comfortable cutting-edge train. Due to the regular Kyrgyzstan Russia train connection, a trip between these two countries got shorter, cheaper and more comfortable. Certainly, it’s not as fast and awesome as airplane travel but nevertheless, you can travel between Kyrgyzstan and Russia quickly and at a low cost.

Kyrgyzstan to Russia train goes every day. That means that there are lots of passengers willing to travel in this way. When you buy a ticket for the train to Russia from Kyrgyzstan pay attention to the fact that the more vacant places are in the car, the lower is the price of the ticket. That means that with high demand when the most part of the seats is occupied in the carriage, the ticket price gets higher.

Kyrgyzstan to Russia train tickets – the lowest prices on train tickets

From Bishkek to Yekaterinburg and Moscow trains from Kyrgyzstan arrive at train stations every day. Timetable information you can find on our website, but better is to check the departure time on the railway station in Bishkek. On you can easily buy the Kyrgyzstan Russia train tickets and get additional information about the route. We offer very reasonable prices.

The comfortable and instant tickets selection and booking service is distinguished by the following advantages:
  • Quick and effortless selection and booking of Kyrgyzstan to Russia train tickets, as well as for other routes
  • Affordable prices for reserved seats in open carriages, sitting places or coupe
  • A wide variety of routes on which you can book the tickets
  • The important actual information that can simplify your journey from Kyrgyzstan to Russia
  • Secure payment, you can choose the most convenient way to pay for Kyrgyzstan Russia train tickets
Also, on our website, you can buy train tickets on European destinations, as well as tickets for the train from Europe to Russia. All the trains on the route Bishkek – Moscow or Bishkek – Yekaterinburg or Bishkek – Kazan are equipped to the needs of passengers. There is a dining car on the train, a convenient bathroom unit, air conditioning system in the compartment.

How to buy Kyrgyzstan to Russia train tickets at a good price

Here is a list of life hacks that will help you to travel between Kyrgyzstan Russia with more comfort and at a lower price.
  • In order to get cheap train tickets on the route Bishkek – Moscow or Bishkek – Yekaterinburg or Bishkek – Kazan go the
  • timetable and make a booking as soon as possible
  • Book the top bunks if you want to save the money. In some cases, they are available with up to 50% off
  • The journeys in open carriages on the superior long-distance train are more cost-effective
  • In current time you can apply the discount for schoolchildren
It’s not a very hard deal to make your journey by train more comfortable and cost-effective. Just use the above recommendation and your travel will always be of particular benefit to you.

Buy Kyrgyzstan to Russia train tickets at a good price on if you want to save money and time!

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Вопросы и Ответы

How far is Kyrgyzstan from Russia?
2993 km from Bishkek to Moscow by train. Fastest journey - 73h 41m.
How many hours from Kyrgyzstan to Russia?
73h 41m by train. Distance by Land Transport: 3672.7 km. This road journey will take 3 days 4h.
What is the cheapest way to get from Kyrgyzstan to Russia?
The cheapest way to get from Austria to Russia is is traveling by train.
How far is it from Kyrgyzstan to Russia?
The road distance is 3672.7 km.
How long does it take to get from Kyrgyzstan to Russia?
Fastest journey - 73h 41m by train. The quickest way to get from Austria to Russia is to fly, it takes 5h 51m.