Latvia – Russia trains | πŸš… Buy Latvia – Russia Train Tickets
Trains between Latvia and Russia
First and last trains

First & last trains

First departure - 20:30
Last departure - 20:30
Trains overview

Trains overview

Trains per day - 1
Price from - 2889
Route overview

Route overview

Latvia timetable

Departure time
Travel time Arrival time Train Price from
Riga β€” St. Petersburg
Daily: 17:30
16h 0m09:30
Riga β€” Moscow
Daily: 17:30
16h 47m10:17

Trains between Latvia and Russia


The Most affordable Train Service - Latvia to Russia train

A Latvia to Russia border of 214 km runs between the two. When travelling from Latvia to Russia there are various ways to pick, amongst which the Latvia to Russia train service is the most affordable.
When you choose to travel, you have to apply for a visa. A tourist visa is necessary. A Latvia to Russia train travels into Russia crossing a visa check. The train that starts at Riga traveling 7 hours to Pollock. Next to Moscow.

Trains from Latvia to Russia

Latvia to Russia train (from Riga to Moscow) travels a whole night. Departs at 20:30 from Riga and reaches to Moscow by midday. Latvia to Russia train completes trip in 16h 47m hours. There is also a Latvia to Russia train that travels to St. Petersburg.

Riga to St. Petersburg:
There is another train from Riga to St. Petersburg, summing up there are the only two Latvia to Russia trains. This train rain leaves at 20:30 and arrives after 16h the next day.

Online train tickets from Latvia to Russia

Train tickets online are available on All the first class online train tickets for Latvia to Russia ranges from $44.24 USD. The online ticket for Latvia to Russia train in the third class is much cheaper than in the first class.
Online train tickets are to be booked before the session expires. After you select all the details, the portal will direct you to review your order. After a correction in the booking, the last step of ordering online train tickets is payments. The train tickets online are delivered to your email directly. offers this service. You may pick a one way or round trip, to schedule online train tickets early.

3 steps to book your tickets

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Book with us no hidden fees

Our rates include taxes, fees and charges. There are no hidden costs – the price you see is exactly the price you get.

Booking process explained

Just read our detailed instruction, which will guide you step by step through the booking process, and everything will become as clear as day. Read

Questions and Answers

How far is Latvia from Moscow?
The distance between Moscow and Latvia is 802 km. The road distance is 913.9 km.
How far is Riga from St Petersburg?
305 miles. Distance between Saint Petersburg and Riga is 491 kilometers (305 miles). Driving distance from Saint Petersburg to Riga is 582 kilometers (361 miles).
Timetable and approximate prices for train trip Riga - Moscow?
Go to the β€œRoutes” section, select the train route and date and follow the further instructions.
Is there an overnight train between Moscow and Riga?
Latvijas Expresis is an overnight train between Moscow and Riga.