Kazakhstan - Russia Trains | πŸš… Buy Kazakhstan - Russia Train Tickets
Trains between Kazakhstan and Russia
First and last trains

First & last trains

First departure - 06:53
Last departure - 14:00
Trains overview

Trains overview

Trains per day - 1
Price from - 1902
Route overview

Route overview

Kazakhstan timetable

Departure time
Travel time Arrival time Train Price from
Akmola β€” Omsk
Daily: 03:53
14h 25m18:18
Akmola β€” Moscow
Daily: 11:00
55h 22m15:22

Trains between Kazakhstan and Russia

Kazakhstan and Russia are among the most closely connected countries in the post-Soviet space. The easiest way to travel between Kazakhstan and Russia is a train or a railway. There are several regular trains on a route Kazakhstan Russia, which gives you an opportunity to get easily from Almaty or Astana to Moscow and other cities. The railway line significantly makes shorter the travel time between these cities. A direct train to Russia from Kazakhstan connects Moscow and Astana every day. Thus, it is possible to travel from one country to another in comfort and cheap. You can buy the tickets for the train on Traintorussia.com effortlessly and very quickly. The only things you need to do are choosing the route from the table on the webpage and book the tickets. After payment, you will immediately receive the electronic tickets.

Kazakhstan - Russia train – travel options

An Astana - Moscow train is not to the only option to get Russia by railway. The other options you can choose are the following:
  • Almaty - Kazan route
  • Almaty – Yekaterinburg route
  • Almaty – Saratov route
Before entering Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Saratov or Moscow the train briefly transits other parts of the country. For passengers, it is important to remember that they are obliged to have single-entry visas to travel by train Kazakhstan – Russia.

It is a well-known fact that Kazakhstan had ranked number two for the number of inbound visitors to the Russian Federation in 2017 giving way only to Ukraine when was a regular direct train linking Russia and Ukraine. The existing of diverse Kazakhstan to Russia train options is expected to provide a great touristic and trade boost in the nearest future.

Both countries during a certain period had been working to decrease restrictions on cross-border trips. Currently, the border control for trains between Kazakhstan and Russia has been simplified up to a maximum.

Kazakhstan to Russia train tickets

The website Traintorussia.com offers train tickets in various directions, including Kazakhstan – Russia. Train tickets on this route are accessible at an affordable price and guarantee you the comfortable seats in modern, of European standards trains. The tickets are available for the seats in 1st class, 2nd class, and luxury class cars. The ticket price depends on the car class but anyway the rates are affordable for most of the passengers.

The main reasons you should by Kazakhstan to Russia train tickets on Traintorussia.com are:
  • Reputable website dealing with train tickets sale
  • Fast and secure delivery of the tickets
  • The support service always here to help
  • The simplicity of tickets booking
  • Reasonable prices
  • Always accessible useful information for passengers
It worth noting that we offer train tickets for a lot of routes. Just go to the page with the full list of routes and chose the desired one. To get more information about the trains between Kazakhstan and Russia or Kazakhstan to Russia train tickets to contact us via telephone or email. We are always happy to answer your questions and help you resolve your problems.

Buy train tickets on the route Kazakhstan – Russia on Traintorussia.com and make your travel safe and comfortable.

3 steps to book your tickets

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Booking process explained

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Questions and Answers

How do you get to Kazakhstan?
By train. Trains in Kazakhstan are slow but comfortable and clean.
Is Kazakhstan worth visiting?
Yes it is. If you like gorgeous natural landscapes, it is highly recommended to visit Southern Kazakhstan.
How to travel by train in Kazakhstan?
If you love traveling by train, especially by countries of the former USSR, and you enjoy interacting with locals, going across Kazakhstan by train is something you really don’t wanna miss.
How to get Kazakhstan β€” Russia train tickets?
You can purchase train ticket on TrainToRussia.com