Czech Republic - Russia Trains | πŸš… Buy Czech Republic - Russia tickets
Trains between Czech Republic and Russia
First and last trains

First & last trains

First departure - 09:24
Last departure - 09:24
Trains overview

Trains overview

Trains per day - 1
Price from - 13145
Route overview

Route overview

Czech Republic timetable

Departure time
Travel time Arrival time Train Price from
Prague β€” Smolensk
Daily: 06:24
22h 47m06:11
Praga gl
Prague β€” Moscow
Daily: 06:24
27h 34m10:58
Praga gl

Trains between Czech Republic and Russia

Czech Republic

Trains between the Czech Republic and Russia

By means of new web service you are free to buy Czech Republic train tickets and get at choice - Moscow or Saint Petersburg in comfort and without stress. Currently available are Czech train seats on the regular route – Prague – Moscow, Prague – Saint Petersburg. Buy either one-way ticket or two-way seats. All the data about the route are on the webpage with route description in the top menu section β€œRoutes”.

For these trains on the route, 1st and 2nd class cabins are available, so you can choose any option and be sure you will get to the destination in time and in ultimate comfort. On average the travel by train from Prague to Moscow takes 27 hours and the high-speed train covers about 2100 km. To get Russia from the Czech Republic you need to pass such countries as Belarus and Poland. Thus it is absolutely European trip.

Trains operating on Czech Republic – Russia route

Well, Czech Republic – Russia high-speed trains. What are the available options, what advantages of buying the seats at First of all it worth noting that there are few options for train traveling between the Czech Republic and Russia. You can get to Moscow and Saint Petersburg from Prague in a sleeper comfortable carriage and in the sedentary car. Choose the appropriate option from the timetable and start buying the ticket. It will take a few minutes to book the tickets for train Czech Republic – Russia and after you can print them or exchange at the railway station in your city.

The Czech Republic train departs in the morning and arrives in Moscow in the morning on the next day. In the opposite direction also train departs in the morning and arrives in Moscow in the morning on the next day. This is a direct connection between the Czech Republic and Russia and so the travel time is reduced to a minimum.

Regarding the advantages of booking the tickets on - there are a lot of them. It’s not only about the possibility to book the seats online and save time. It is also about such privileges as:

  • Secure payment
  • Opportunity to book the best seats
  • Guarantee of seat reservation, that means - selected seats will be accessible only to you
  • Accessibility of additional information, we provide all data about the trains, country routes, tips for traveling by train and others.
The reliability of our website for selling Russian train tickets is confirmed by the numerous of customers reviews and the company rating. The purchasing process on is simple and quick, less than 2-3 minutes are required to get the Czech Republic – Russia train tickets. Moreover, the tickets ordering process is equally convenient on mobile phones and PC. Just go to the new website wherever you are and whatever gadget you use, do few simple actions and that’s it – the valid train tickets in electronic format for the route Prague – Moscow are at your disposal.

Contact us now, to get Czech Republic train tickets at an affordable price!
Czech Republic

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Booking process explained

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Questions and Answers

How far is Czech Republic from Russia?
1667 km from Prague to Moscow by train. Fastest journey - 27h 34m.
Czech Republic and Russia distance?
1298 km from Prague to Smolensk by train. Fastest journey - 22h 47m.
How Far is it Between Moscow, Russia and Prague, Czech Republic?
The road distance is 1917.8 km.
What is the cheapest way to get from Czech Republic to Russia?
The cheapest way to get from Czech Republic to Russia is traveling by train.